Lifelong Learning with Rabbi Alexander
Thursday, February 6, 2025 • 8 Sh'vat 5785
7:00 PM - 8:00 PMOften when we think of women in the Talmud and Midrash, we focus on what the rabbis have to say about them. But as it turns out, women appear in far more places than just those passages which discuss what women should or should not do from men’s perspective. In these other parts of rabbinic literature, we encounter women who study Torah, and those who are ignorant of it. We find women who ask insightful questions of rabbis (who answer them), and women who are movers and shakers. We discover women who have a surprising amount of control and power over their own lives, and wise women whose teachings continue to inspire both men and women down to our own generation. This diverse array of women are the women we’ll spend time with this evening.
Co-sponsored by KKBE Sisterhood.
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